Current Issues

En el artículo introductorio a la presente serie, se resaltó una situación problemática que aqueja al entorno educativo peruano: existe una notable falta de profesionales calificados en la enseñanza del inglés como lengua extranjera. En esta ocasión, intentaré explicar por qué las universidades no producen una cantidad de profesionales que satisfaga la necesidad existente. Un hecho sumamente preocupante afecta a...
Estimados lectores Dedicamos esta ronda al intercambio de ideas sobre un tema de particular interés: la necesidad de contar con docentes de inglés calificados a fin de cubrir la demanda de aprendizaje de este idioma en las escuelas públicas como privadas del país. Los siguientes datos nos debe llamar a la reflexión: Muy pocas universidades del país ofrecen la especialidad...
Este 28 de julio celebremos a nuestra patria valorando su riqueza cultural transmitida en 47 lenguas nativas que valen un Perú!
Autonomous Learning: a Dream or a Reality?
Nowadays, in the technological and digital era, acquiring knowledge is at the tip of our fingers or should we also say that an oral message would be enough to search what we want?       Even though the answer may be affirmative, we need to consider that finding the right information does not necessarily mean learning takes place. If we...
Artificial Intelligence in The Classroom: A Threat or a Helping Hand?
We all know the scenario: robots overtaking humans…how scary is that? When it comes to our classroom, what are the chances to be displaced by artificial intelligence or mere chatboxes?          First of all, let’s get information about what artificial intelligence is capable to accomplish. I quite often read information about algorithms, chatboxes and apps, not only to be updated but...
When we think of a traditional foreign language lesson, we immediately picture a class with well-behaved students aligned in neat rows, dusty books, a green board, white chalk and a method which nobody would dare to contradict: translation. We might think that, after the arrival of Communicative Language Teaching translation would be gone for good, wouldn’t it? Actually, things...
Language Teaching Bloggers
Centro de Idiomas de la Universidad del Pacifico is pleased to present our Research Group, which was created with the objective of being a place for reflection and debate on the pedagogical task in the field of language teaching. Within our initial activities, today we share with you the creation of the blog that we have nominated Language Teaching Bloggers.

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