Travelling to an English-speaking country: Does it guarantee fast and effortless language learning?

It is no secret that many factors, not just one, make someone achieve proficiency in a foreign language. Several have been suggested, such as motivation, age, method, adaptation and particularly exposure to the target language, which has become the main justification for language immersion courses. These offer quick learning, sometimes in courses as short as two weeks, with good results. Is this the solution to all our language learning needs?
English abroad? Yes, please!
Schumann’s Acculturation theory (1978, 1986) argues that there is a close relationship between the leaner’s interest in the target language culture, the chance to interact with native speakers and the degree of success in mastering a language. Language programmes in English-speaking countries take advantage of this assumption. For one thing, students receive a great deal of language input all day long. Since they wake up, everything around is in English: the TV programmes, the transport signs, the ads in the street and the contexts for interaction, such as asking for directions, shopping, travelling around, etc. Without any doubt, these scenarios are translated into unique opportunities to use linguistic tools and interact in REAL LIFE situations (not “life-like” ones).
Another popular advantage is being taught by native speakers. Indeed, students will benefit from accurate pronunciation, not just in terms of articulation and stress but also pace of delivery, and will have the tools for imitation. It is also common to hear that being in an English-speaking country “unblocks your ears”, as learners will become aware of the vast diversity of accents in multicultural contexts, for example, if they are studying in cities like London or New York, with a high influx of foreign population.
Not all that glitters is gold
Indeed. Studying a language abroad may seem the perfect way to learn, but it should be noted that it has a number of limitations. In the first place, it is relatively prohibitive due to its costs; not everybody can easily afford a three-month stay in countries with a high cost of living, especially if they are not working at the same time (student visas may not allow them to work).
Other than that, there is an important point to make regarding language studying abroad. While studying in the target language country can cause excellent results and a marked improvement in language proficiency, some students may feel anxious because they do not have a language background solid enough to have a simple conversation. They are perfectly aware of this fact, which increases their anxiety enormously, making learning not easier, but a lot more challenging and somewhat frustrating. Time could also be a factor inducing anxiety, especially when the courses are very short and there is external pressure to perform; for example, someone who is sent by their company to learn quickly because there is urgent demand for a bilingual professional. Both cases echo what Krashen referred to as the “affective filter” hypothesis.
Final verdict
Language courses abroad, whatever their nature, are effective. We can be sure that there are countless success stories worldwide. However, we should be aware of their restrictions. In order to take full advantage of an immersion or language study programme abroad, the students interested should have a basic command of the language before travelling. Upon their return, the learning which took place abroad should be consolidated by means of formal instruction that helps learners use their experience abroad to develop their skills even further.

When your students ask you if it is a good idea to learn English abroad, what do you say?

Krashen, Stephen D. (1982). Principles and practice in second language acquisition. Oxford: Pergamon. Retrieved from
·     Schumann, J. H. (1978). The relationship of pidginization, creolization, and decreolization to second language acquisition. Language Learning, Vol 28/2
·      Schumann, J. (1986). Research on the acculturation model for L2 acquisition. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, Vol 7/5
Estimated reading time: 3 minutes, 12 seconds


  1. What an enriching experience! For sure the traveler will acquire some or a lot of information with the advantage of being in a real context, of course, it depends on the traveler’s degree of adaptability, and he or she also needs to have certain previous background before going through this experience. Once there, I think the traveler will realize that he will need to exercise other skills such as reading and writing in order to communicate successfully, that might mean taking an English course there.
    Rosario Uribia P.

  2. I will answer the question "Travelling to an English speaking country: Does it guarantee fast and effortless learning?"
    Although I have never been abroad, as an English teacher, I consider I have a say. It is undeniable that travelling to an English speaking country offers a variety of advantages which you have already mention. However, it does have a few drawbacks that travellers should be aware of.
    First of all, it depends on the lengh of time they spend abroad to see some real improvement. A one-week stay is not just good enough. Also, it could turn out to be really discouraging, especially for travellers whose "real level" is elementary. This could come up when they are involved in conversations when REAL ENGLISH is in use. For instance, one which involves slang, idiomatic expressions, natural flow, natural connected speech or linking (Needless to say phrasal verbs!). This situation could turn out to be very disappointing if travellers are not given enough time to digest. Once they start to get used to it, they will begin to profit from this experience.
    All in all, the longer, the better!

    Luis Avila

  3. Its entirely possibly to move to London, Dublin, or Newark and not learn the language. The automation of modern life. Ethnic supermarkets, and access to home media. Means that the current language student must make a greater effort to immerse themselves in the language

  4. I believe this topic had to be mentioned at some point! I have faced students who are skeptical of formal language learning and favour travelling -even without any formal instruction- to pick up the language.
    I especially remember a 20-year-old student who claimed that she'd learnt a lot more holidaying in New York for 2 months than attending classes at a well-known language school. My comment was, and I believe I am still of the opinion, that informal learning will only take place, as the article argues, when the learner is 'ready' to pick up a lot more than they already know. You learn idiomatic expressions, some useful set phrases, the logic of conversation and, quoting the article, to 'unblock your ears'. However, many skills are only learnt by means of formal instruction, such as writing. I cannot imagine someone picking up Academic English by living in an English-speaking country and not studying the conventions of such a register.
    For this reason, I believe that both have advantages! If someone has some proficiency in the language, travelling, living and if possible studying abroad will be enormously beneficial. Our students should always be aware that travelling should be seen as a consolidation event rather than a requirement to learn.

  5. Dear Luis, the length is crucial for the reasons you mentioned. It's true that many lexical items can be learned but it depends on the learners' level when travelling, in the end. Thanks for leaving your comments.

  6. I tell my students that travelling abroad is an excellent idea. The longest the exposure the better you become.
    When our students travel abroad they enlarge their vision, become fluent and are able to understand the regional idiomatic expressions. On the other hand the adverse result is that they keep their grammar inaccuracies.
    I tell my students about my own experience, I lived abroad and got very fluent but I needed to study grammar with my book, paper and pencil. People abroad are not looking forward correcting your mistakes like teachers do.
    In some short vacations or exchange programs students are not going to acquire Shakespearean English but at least they will interact with native speakers.

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