Plan & Keep Stress Away From Your Classroom!


We all know that planning an online class most of the times demands a careful selection of resources and materials. Now that we have started or are about to start the school year, we are very aware of the usual increasing demands of this busy period. There are many reasons to get uptight: new students, new groups, or even new courses. In the following lines, we will outline some ideas to reduce stress in our classrooms.

The first step is to identify your stressors. Is it that you know beforehand that teaching different levels will demand preparing lots of materials? Is it that perhaps you are not used to a new level? Is it that you are a new teacher in the institution, and you are not familiar with their ways? There are plenty of causes; you name them.

It is essential to mitigate teachers’ anxiety; students are sensitive to their teachers’ moods and in the end, students and teachers may end up having a bad day. When we truly enjoy what we do, it is easily perceived, and we get better results.

When we feel stressed, our brain responds by being less creative, less patient, less emphatic and even less analytical. On the other hand, it is OK to have a bad day, we all are humans and may feel overwhelmed like everyone else.

How can we use technology in our favour? You can use a template for each kind of course you teach; this helps lots of times. You can also save images you find on the web that suit a course or lesson and keep them handy in a file.

Undoubtly, our computer screen must be organized: have files for each course, files for paperwork and use post its as reminders. You can download monthly organizers as well.

Save and store your files in a cloud: it is safer. Some institutions ask their staff to save all the material in the institutional account. If you are sharing a document, remember to check the settings and the actions to be allowed: do you want the document to be edited or just read? It is advisable to share a copy of any document, just in case.

You may want to ask your students to use slides and download extensions such as pear deck to make their presentations more interactive. You can explore sites and teach your students to prepare their portfolios or assignments there. Something that saves time is using a calendar for school activities, even for meetings with the parents. A word of advice here: do not mix your personal calendar with working issues; have them separated.

Do you prefer to stick to your traditional ways? No problem. Teamwork has proven to be effective when it comes to sharing information and resources. Exchange ideas and materials with your colleagues and be open to suggestions. If you like someone’s teaching style, ask the teacher for some tips. We are all on the same boat. And most importantly, reframe your thoughts. You are not alone.

What about you? Do you know of any other strategy that can help other teachers? Feel free to speak up your mind.

Estimated reading time: 2 minutes, 38 seconds