What Students Should Know and we do not Always Teach

At some point in our teaching practice, we may have wondered if we are teaching our students everything they should know in terms of English as a Foreign Language. Frequently, it seems that we have to follow a very strict layout of a course due to our institution’s impetus to achieve the set objectives. But, are we really teaching them all that students should know considering their level?  Are there any things that we could be missing?
          In this new series we are about to launch, our team of researchers will share some insights about the teaching of Listening, Writing, Reading and Vocabulary. We are sure their reflections on these topics will be food for thought and may imply some changes in our teaching daily practice.
          Look forward to the first post next week and to your appreciated feedback!
Estimated reading time: 0 minutes, 42 seconds


  1. Gladys I would perhaps say something like what we teach our students and they don't know they are learning it. (Maybe a second article). Answering your question students' come with some knowledge as a result of past experiences (other institutes) or our own institution. We take some things for granted. Here I would have to say, don't take things for granted and in our interactions we should reflect as much as possible all those things (tenses, idiomatic expressions, vocab, etc). The other case is when students' come with lots of knowledge bits and pieces gathered along their past courses. Some may need to be corrected, others are fossilized. This is more demanding. The interactions must include all sorts of discourses and registers. Looking forward for that article! #LetsAllPlay

  2. I couldn't agree more, Luis. You made a detailed description of the cases we encounter in class and the challenges we have to face. Great suggestion for a second post! Like me, I am sure, our readers will find your comments very useful. Thank you for following us!

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