What are those factors that seem to haunt teachers’ development?


Dear readers

What are those factors that seem to haunt teachers’ development?
Sometimes very talented teachers are not able to thoroughly develop all their professional potential. Although they have the required knowledge, preparation and experience, something holds them back: their fears.  Fears are dangerous feelings that impede teachers´ development.  How to overcome them?  A first good step is to be aware of them. Here is a list of some of the most common teachers’ fears: the fear of programming, of setting goals and be able to stick to them; the fear of incorporating technology to their daily teaching practice; the fear of evaluating and being evaluated and finally the fear of assuming new challenges.
In our next post, we will be dealing with each of them. Please, do share the post with your colleagues. Nowadays, empowered and brave language teachers is what is needed the most.
Estimated reading time: 0 minutes, 43 seconds


  1. We always try to encourage teachers to do their best. This post will definitely help you to be aware of some common fears that might be deterring you from making progress. Looking forward to hearing from you!

  2. You are absolutely right, Miss Marita. Thanks to you, I have been able to overcome many of my fears and I have learned to be brave too. Thank you so much!!!

  3. Marita, one of those factors is leaving the comfort zone to try new things. For example Teaching different levels, different courses. Another fear is that of making mistakes, is OK to make mistakes and be reflective about them.

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