
Very recently, in a teacher training course, one of the participants avowed that the Communicative Approach was the latest approach to teach foreign languages. This thought still remains a common assumption for many local English teachers, despite the fact that new methods such as the Task-Based approach, among others, have emerged.   Why is it that even in 2016, many English...
Scripting lessons may be considered time-consuming by many, both experienced and novice teachers. In fact, a great deal of us consider lesson planning utopian and claim that the time spent drawing them up could be better spent preparing the activities and materials needed for the lessons. On the other hand, the authorities of schools and other institutions insist on...
                                                        By Carmen Hurtado The need to learn English nowadays The ability to communicate in English has become necessary nowadays for two main reasons: first, the compelling interaction among people in their different ethos/cultures; and...
  Classes have just started and there is a high level of enthusiasm and motivation among both teachers and students. We have already started thinking of new (or not so new) fun activities and games for class, and planning for the whole year. Lexis is one of the topics that we will find most frequently in lessons, and the simplicity...
When we teachers think of the ideal attitude of students in the classroom, probably the first desire that comes to our mind is to be blessed with students who are collaborative, outgoing, and eager to interact with other students, since this way our work will be easier and the pupils will have more opportunities to learn. But, what about...
Among the many myths related to acquiring a foreign language, there is one, very widespread, about children being facile second language learners.  In fact, there are many people, including numerous English teachers, who think that children are better qualified than adults to learn a foreign language. However, scientific research does not seem to support this belief. Such line of...
Language Teaching Bloggers
Centro de Idiomas de la Universidad del Pacifico is pleased to present our Research Group, which was created with the objective of being a place for reflection and debate on the pedagogical task in the field of language teaching. Within our initial activities, today we share with you the creation of the blog that we have nominated Language Teaching Bloggers.

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