This new way of living has taken us to a new way of teaching as well as to a novel way of learning for many. One of the most important aspects we need to consider is that we do not teach in just one classroom anymore. Nowadays, we have as many classrooms as students we have. Each place where...
So far, much has been said about online teaching: this is an ongoing process and we are still on the move. Teaching online does not mean to replicate the model we used to have; it is simply not possible. We have probably found ways to engage students, promote self-study, do research, work in groups in class and outside class...
Virtual teaching, as we teachers have had to assume particularly during this current public health crisis, imposes real challenges on us. We list some notorious ones below: To know in depth the handling and benefits of e-learning tools, in order to get the most out of virtual classes for our students. To get the highest possible benefit from all...
Uno de los temas más discutidos durante estas ya casi trece semanas de cuarentena, ha sido el de la enseñanza virtual, resaltando lamentablemente las limitaciones que este tipo de enseñanza posee. Sin embargo, en aras de poder hacer un análisis objetivo de los atributos y limitaciones de esta modalidad de enseñanza, vale la pena considerar el contexto en que...
En artículos anteriores hemos dado orientaciones y consejos para lograr los mejores resultados con la enseñanza a distancia e incluso hemos ensalzado las virtudes de este sistema al tiempo que hemos lamentado que no se haya aprovechado mayormente hasta ahora, especialmente teniendo una geografía tan complicada como la peruana. Sin embargo, estamos muy conscientes de que tampoco es la...
Centro de Idiomas de la Universidad del Pacifico is pleased to present our Research Group, which was created with the objective of being a place for reflection and debate on the pedagogical task in the field of language teaching. Within our initial activities, today we share with you the creation of the blog that we have nominated Language Teaching Bloggers.