Teachers' insights

Whenever it comes to teaching English, teachers have to face a number of challenges. To start with: are we qualified enough to apply for those positions required in the current market? If so, do we have enough life experience as to speak the same language our students speak? Normally students from expensive bilingual schools have a wide knowledge of...
              Cuando hablamos de tecnología en el aula, probablemente pensamos en las pizarras inteligentes, en proyectores de última generación, en computadoras con rápido acceso a internet, si no es que nuestra institución cuenta también con una plataforma educativa donde existe una comunicación fluida entre docentes y alumnos. Esto sin dejar de mencionar la importancia de manejar presentaciones en Power Point,...
    Assessment is commonly defined as the act of making a judgment about something. In the case of educational assessment, it is the process of documenting, usually in measurable terms, knowledge, skill, attitudes, and beliefs. But when we come to defining assessing writing in a school setting, for students of English as a foreign language, we find that it means a lot of different things for...
It is almost the end of the year and our students might be counting down the days left to go on holidays. Together with this excitement we can also discern some other less cheerful feelings, such as stress, tiredness and anxiety. How to get the most of these last weeks and turn those negative feelings into a healthier environment?...
Seemingly using technology in the educational field is today the name of the game. More than 4 million students in Latin America have an individual electronic device conducive to support its differentiated learning. (Severin and Capota) Phones, tablets and kindles (digital book readers) are expanding places of learning beyond schools. In countries such as ours, in addition, programs like...
I have always enjoyed teaching English and very fortunately during my teaching career I have had the opportunity to teach all, children, teenagers and adults. Although I undoubtedly have no memories of my teaching years at primary school, I must confess that it was not until I started working with middle-aged students that I definitely fell in love head...
Language Teaching Bloggers
Centro de Idiomas de la Universidad del Pacifico is pleased to present our Research Group, which was created with the objective of being a place for reflection and debate on the pedagogical task in the field of language teaching. Within our initial activities, today we share with you the creation of the blog that we have nominated Language Teaching Bloggers.

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