The partial or total going back to school attendance has brought great relief, both to students and to us, teachers. However, we cannot ignore the fact that this path of return has entailed a new adaptation process in different academic-administrative aspects. Despite the motivation that it has generated for students to see their classmates and mentors in flesh and...
A diferencia de los niños, a quienes es posible atraer para que acepten lo que quieres o necesitas enseñarles, no hay manera de hacer que los estudiantes de secundaria aprendan algo que no desean absorber. Esto es cierto para cualquier tema, pero particularmente para enseñarles un idioma extranjero como el inglés. En consecuencia, su primer trabajo como profesor de...
“Dime y lo olvido, enséñame y lo recuerdo, involúcrame y lo aprendo”
Benjamín Franklin
Esta frase tan conocida revela mucha verdad, especialmente cuando hablamos de enseñar a chicos de primaria. Empezamos esta serie de comentarios mencionando el criterio metodológico aplicable a la enseñanza de idiomas a niños y cómo éste nos ayuda a tomar las mejores decisiones sobre cómo aplicar con eficacia...
Teachers' insights
Developing Writing Skills in Our Students: Will Apps End up Replacing Teachers?
María de la Lama - 0 Nowadays, students have access to a great number of apps designed to improve their writing skills in English. In both, free and paid versions, novice writers have instant feedback about the accuracy of their writing with precise information about their mistakes and how to correct them. The app's immediacy of feedback can overshadow a teacher's job.
The usefulness of the...
We need to consider many aspects of learning a new language and how to develop students’ listening skills is an essential one of them. As Charles Fries stated, quoted in Rojas, E. (2022) (1), it is crucial to develop this skill to be able to speak. To be capable of perceiving the sounds is indispensable to be able to...
Of the various aspects that make up the teaching of the English language, the least attended to is that of pronunciation and the result of this is that students who, although they constantly express themselves in that language in class and maintain frequent exchanges between them, when they travel to a country where that language is spoken experience great...
Centro de Idiomas de la Universidad del Pacifico is pleased to present our Research Group, which was created with the objective of being a place for reflection and debate on the pedagogical task in the field of language teaching. Within our initial activities, today we share with you the creation of the blog that we have nominated Language Teaching Bloggers.