It is Time to Make a Path While Walking


Once again, we are on the verge of starting a new academic year After experiencing difficult times that demanded a lot of creativity, effort and a large dose of patience, 2023 finally appears as a full return to normality. Which leads us to reflect on whether that means going back to the point where things were before the pandemic, as if nothing had happened, or if this complicated period served to make us different teachers, with greater creativity and more varied and efficient resources.

This is therefore a propitious moment to deliberate about the necessary strategies of the teacher with a view to successfully face this academic year and about the type of teachers we will be in the present and future.

It will surely be useful to take into account certain strategies, such as having the soft skills that require professional work, and the skills developed during the crisis and in the post-pandemic transition, which may be useful and should be incorporated into the language teaching-learning process. This is the topic we will be covering during the new series we are about to start.

Estimated reading time: 0 minutes, 55 seconds