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Quien no avanza retrocede

En Cuanto a Idiomas, Quien no Avanza, Retrocede

Estamos en plena época del año en que los docentes, pletóricos de esperanzas y buenas aspiraciones, lo mismo que muchos de sus alumnos, toman decisiones y hacen propósitos para el nuevo...
Capacitación Docente y las Instituciones Educativas

La Capacitación Docente y las Instituciones Educativas

Uno de los beneficios más apreciados por un profesional es la capacitación; los docentes no somos la excepción: valoramos una institución que se preocupa por mantener su metodología alineada a las...
Innovación en idiomas

Is Innovation Really Welcomed in Education?

 With the advent of the Communicative Approach in the English class  the then interminable practice of drills and choral repetition of the Audio Lingual method were stashed away by language teachers...
Importancia expresión oral

Why is it Vital to Maximize Our students’ Oral Production?

It may seem obvious to say that students should be given the opportunity to speak as much as possible in language class. Although “TTT” has become a sort of monster that...

Unmasking the “Robot” Inside You

Becoming a victim of “robotizing” is truly menacing for our profession. Turning into a sort of teaching android is something that should be avoided at all costs. But before taking distance...

THE skill for successful teachers

Much has been discussed since Dan Goleman published his book Emotional Intelligence in 1996. The author defined the term as the ability of being aware of our own emotions and those...
Language Teaching Bloggers
Centro de Idiomas de la Universidad del Pacifico is pleased to present our Research Group, which was created with the objective of being a place for reflection and debate on the pedagogical task in the field of language teaching. Within our initial activities, today we share with you the creation of the blog that we have nominated Language Teaching Bloggers.

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