Tag: Enseñanza de Idiomas
What Teamwork Means for Teachers
As a new year begins, the time has come for teachers to take a deep breath and think of the challenges that lie ahead and how they will prepare to tackle...
La Enseñanza a Niños Debe ser Grata Para Ellos y Nosotros
“Dime y lo olvido, enséñame y lo recuerdo, involúcrame y lo aprendo”
Benjamín Franklin
Esta frase tan conocida revela mucha verdad, especialmente cuando hablamos de enseñar a chicos de primaria. Empezamos esta serie de...
¿Qué Hacemos los Docentes de Idiomas Frente al Cyberbullying?
El acoso escolar o bullying es una situación que antes de la pandemia ya perturbaba a muchos estudiantes y no ha dejado de hacerlo con la llegada de la virtualidad. En...
Have you Been Offered Free Goods? Are you Sure They are?
¿Has the advancement in technology gotten to a point where people can learn a foreign language by themselves, without the need of a teacher? The idea seems to be floating in...
Is the Language Teacher Becoming Moldy?
Is perhaps language teaching going out of style? The conception that acquiring a foreign language can be a 100% self-taught process by means of making use of a technological resource suddenly...
Some practical tips for teaching virtually
In the midst of the pandemic, teachers were pushed into the future much faster than they thought. Before the emergence of the Covid-19 crisis, online teaching was an option that had...