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Tag: Enseñanza del inglés en el Perú

Are You an Innovative English Teacher?

When it comes to technology in the teaching field, it is a must to be updated. Considering the huge number of resources, software and applications available, it may be quite overwhelming. The...

Educación: Único Camino al Desarrollo

A lo largo de la presente serie de artículos, analizando la problemática de la docencia de idiomas en el país, y en particular la de inglés, hemos podido darnos cuenta que,...

¿Por qué la universidad no apuesta por la carrera de docencia en idiomas?

En el artículo introductorio a la presente serie, se resaltó una situación problemática que aqueja al entorno educativo peruano: existe una notable falta de profesionales calificados en la enseñanza del inglés...


Estimados lectores Dedicamos esta ronda al intercambio de ideas sobre un tema de particular interés: la necesidad de contar con docentes de inglés calificados a fin de cubrir la demanda de aprendizaje...

Teaching adults? Practical insights to be considered

If you are teaching adults you may probably find yourself in the situation in which despite all the effort you put into preparing a lesson, your methodology does not seem to...

Are we Prepared to Let our Students Think Critically?

The whole concept of education seems to have changed. In our modern pedagogical jargon we refer to things such as critical thinking, developing reflective judgment, and fostering independent reasoning as the...
Language Teaching Bloggers
Centro de Idiomas de la Universidad del Pacifico is pleased to present our Research Group, which was created with the objective of being a place for reflection and debate on the pedagogical task in the field of language teaching. Within our initial activities, today we share with you the creation of the blog that we have nominated Language Teaching Bloggers.

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