Tag: International Exams
International Exams Will Keep Growing in the World
Probably more than once you have been asked whether you spoke English and you answered “a little,” “more or less” or “pretty well” and that sufficed. But in the present if...
¿Da un Certificado Internacional aptitud suficiente para enseñar inglés?
Es innegable que el conocimiento de un idioma es imprescindible para poder enseñarlo. Sin embargo, no es el único componente de la enseñanza de lenguas extranjeras. Otro elemento primordial es, sin...
Foreign Language Professional Resolutions for 2018
A new year has started and the time has come for resolution lists! Apart from eating more healthily and doing more exercise after the high in calories Christmas season, professionals should...
Why are International Exams Important?
The international English standardized exams have gained notorious importance in Peru, as well as the other countries in Latin America, and all over the world. What is the real reason for...