Tag: Sin categoría
How Important are Textbooks After All? Can they decide the fate of our Students?
Taking a look at schools around the world, at its different levels, we can notice that textbooks, and textbook series in the case of foreign language teachers, have acquired, for a...
Are the new Changes in Teaching English in our Country Realistic?
By Carmen Hurtado Mena Education is not only essential to groom the personality of any individual, but a prerequisite for the socio-economic development of a country. From this perspective, governments play the...
The two big Challenges of English Teaching in Early Years
Teaching English as a foreign language in early years is a particularly challenging undertaking. Unfortunately, in our country this responsibility seems to be taken for granted and is affected negatively by...
Derrotero para el Desarrollo Profesional del Docente de Inglés
Estimado docente: Queremos invitarlo a hacer un alto en su actividad laboral y tomarse un tiempo para analizar si su carrera profesional muestra una de las siguientes características: 1. Una parte importante...
Exámenes Internacionales en Colegios: ¿Preparación para el Futuro o Negocio?
El mercado de la enseñanza de idiomas ofrece una variedad de exámenes internacionales que sirven para determinar el nivel de competencia lingüística alcanzado en inglés, una información de suma importancia para...