Are You an Innovative English Teacher?

Are You an Innovative English Teacher?

When it comes to technology in the teaching field, it is a must to be updated. Considering the huge number of resources, software and applications available, it may be quite overwhelming.

The following is a short list of suggestions to keep in mind:

  1. Get to know the available resources. Do you have an email account? Are you familiar with its extra features? Do you use its clouds, docs, blog and/or calendar to name a few? You do not need to be tech savvy, but what you do need is curiosity, that drives you to explore and learn.


  1. Give your students food for thought. We are surrounded by information. Do your students know how to pick up the right one? Share reliable sources with them and give them some questions that demand some research that can be used as your next ice-breaker. Students’ contributions are highly rated.


  1. Use Netflix, TED talks among other useful reliable sources. Any TV series will give your students not only the knowledge they need about a topic, but also different perspectives of a historical, political or social event. TED talks are really useful to provide models of both native and non-native speakers of English.


  1. Find other uses for social media. Facebook can be used for educational purposes; there are groups related to the teaching and learning of English, which students can join. WhatsApp is also used for recording audios; Instagram can be used to upload projects using pictures. Listen to your students’ opinions as well. They may find more ways to use their cellphone, while contributing to the learning experience.


  1. Allow your students to have a say. Is there no consensus about a coming project? Would you like to know how impacting your class was? Use SurveyMonkey to get instant feedback and share the results with your class. There is nothing more motivating for students that knowing their opinions are valuable. Kahoot also works well.


Ready to give it a try?

What are your strategies to go with the times?

Estimated reading time: 1 minute, 41 seconds


  1. Zarela, a teacher has to be innovative with and without the technology. We have to connect with our audience. Find that connection in everything you do. Everything is connected, just have to follow the dots. Innovation is about doing something differently or creating something new. For example on Wednesday, in the class the expression “stand by me” came along and suddenly a student said ” So, now I understand, there is a song that says “stand by me”. So, I immediately went to Youtube (fortunately we have Wifi in the classroom), and I played the song and I asked the students (What does it mean?) and ideas flowed and we did brainstorming. And then another said “Don’t let me down!…and we had a blast! Technology helped and we did something different, and we saw the connection and the beauty of the language. It was definitely a priceless experience…

    • What a great experience! I am sure your students did appreciate it as much as you did!
      Times change. So should we.
      Thank you very much for sharing!

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