La enseñanza virtual ha intensificado el uso de recursos tecnológicos que ya se daban en la enseñanza de idiomas desde antes de la pandemia. Dichos recursos permiten que los aprendientes de una lengua extranjera tengan una exposición más efectiva al nuevo idioma. Pero ¿en qué reside esta efectividad? Hasta antes de la irrupción masiva de la tecnología en la enseñanza...
Para continuar con la presente serie, que se enfoca en las diferencias entre el inglés y el español, presentamos un aspecto fundamental para crear nuevas palabras a partir de las ya existentes, además de deducir el significado de nuevo léxico solo observando la manera como está formado. Este aspecto es el famoso word formation del inglés. Prefijos y sufijos Si buscamos...
When children learn language, we can notice that they begin to incorporate grammar structures gradually and that they may start to learn some of them before others. We hardly pay attention to the order in which this happens, and whether this happens to other children in the same way. Stephen Krashen focused on learners of a second language with...
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Learning or Acquiring a Foreign Language? 40 years later: Reflections For Today’s Teacher
María de la Lama - 0 Krashen's Monitor Model has undoubtedly been, and still is, one of the most discussed theoretical model of second language acquisition. This model develops four hypotheses of which the difference between learning and acquisition is the one that has sparked the most controversy. Before continuing, let’s briefly recall the difference between acquiring acquiring a second language or learning it.
In Krashen’s...
The language classroom provides valuable opportunities to help improve critical thinking skills, even if students are not yet very competent in the foreign language. This article will suggest ways in which critical thinking can be fostered in elementary classes (CEFR A2). Performing communicative activities Unlike traditional approaches, in which memorization and mechanical application of rules were the norm, communicative language teaching...
Centro de Idiomas de la Universidad del Pacifico is pleased to present our Research Group, which was created with the objective of being a place for reflection and debate on the pedagogical task in the field of language teaching. Within our initial activities, today we share with you the creation of the blog that we have nominated Language Teaching Bloggers.