Tag: Centro de Idiomas de la Universidad del Pacífico
This is pure grammar! How do I teach it?
What English teacher hasn’t had problems presenting the combination of one verb following another, particularly to speakers of Spanish? You have to tell your students that some verbs are necessarily followed...
A Handful of Contrast Linkers in a Nutshell
In this new series of articles, we’d like to address some of the problems our students find in the process of learning English. Let us start with one apparently simple, but...
Can Circumstantial Burdens Hinder Teachers’ Professional Development?
Sometimes when we stop to think about our professional life, we feel as if our career has grown unruly and probably it has reached its peak. Suddenly, we may feel as...
Towards a Culture of Language Teaching Specialisation?
A widespread practice among teachers of English is to spend their working hours dealing with learners of different ages: teaching kindergarten and primary school, or teaching secondary school and adult learners,...
¿En qué forma me beneficiaría saber Portugués? La importancia del Portugués para los peruanos
Por Elis Regina Teles
La capacidad de comunicarse es inherente al ser humano y pieza fundamental de la convivencia. El hombre se comunica por el lenguaje hablado, escrito o hasta por la...
Mucho se ha dicho sobre las exigencias que deben satisfacer los docentes de inglés para enfrentar con éxito la creciente demanda educativa. Requisitos como grado académico, certificaciones internacionales, experiencia relevante, entre...