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Tag: Centro de Idiomas de la Universidad del Pacífico

When Teaching to Speak a New Language Seems Harsh to Bear

To work with groups of mixed language skills is not an easy job and teaching them oral expression may seem daunting. Even though reality shows that there will always be difficulties...

La Enseñanza a Niños Debe ser Grata Para Ellos y Nosotros

“Dime y lo olvido, enséñame y lo recuerdo, involúcrame y lo aprendo” Benjamín Franklin Esta frase tan conocida revela mucha verdad, especialmente cuando hablamos de enseñar a chicos de primaria. Empezamos esta serie de...

Expand Your Listening Capacity and That of Your Students’

We need to consider many aspects of learning a new language and how to develop students’ listening skills is an essential one of them. As Charles Fries stated, quoted in Rojas,...

Tell Me How You Evaluate and I’ll Tell You What You Teach

Learning a new language is not only challenging but also rewarding once we reach the objectives set. In the process we go through different stages, some of which may take longer...

True Classroom Interaction is Reborn

There is little doubt that the one element unwillingly neglected during the two years of online lessons was interaction, and not only amid students, but also among other actors: colleagues had...

Make Sure to Arrive at the Desired Port: Deconstruct the Lesson´s Objective

Learning how to teach is an endless process since the students´ backgrounds and experience are in continuous change, as well as the context in which their learning experience builds. As important...
Language Teaching Bloggers
Centro de Idiomas de la Universidad del Pacifico is pleased to present our Research Group, which was created with the objective of being a place for reflection and debate on the pedagogical task in the field of language teaching. Within our initial activities, today we share with you the creation of the blog that we have nominated Language Teaching Bloggers.

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