Welcome to the 11th Annual Latin American Language Teaching Congress!

How much time do language teachers devote to reflect on their teaching? congresses, workshops, seminars and colloquiums are certainly the perfect setting for language teachers to discuss relevant pedagogical issues.
For the last 10 years, Universidad del Pacífico Language Centre has provided language educators with an opportunity to debate selected topics in foreign tongue teaching methodology. We are truly satisfied to see how this unique yearly academic event leads teachers towards reflection and, most importantly, action.
This year’s main topics go around the central theme “From Teaching to Leadership,” which means that for two days language teachers will be able to share their everyday experience and listen to colleagues from various regions in Peru and foreign guests. This enables us to learn about entirely different educational contexts: schools, language institutes and universities. In addition, this Congress is open to presenters dealing with languages other than English, such as Portuguese and Spanish; this year will be no exception.
Finally, the Research Area is pleased to invite you to a very significant presentation. This is the second year we will be organizing a Round Table on Language Teaching within the Peruvian Context. We believe that this is a valuable opportunity to see the impact of the broader domestic context –educational policy, market needs, employability, among others– on our professional development. The audience is later invited to participate actively and generate debate.
We look forward to seeing you at this important academic event.
For more information, visit us on http://congresoidiomas.pe/
Mayra Yaranga (1985) has completed Doctorate studies in Education at UNIFÉ;Master’s Degree in Media, Culture and Identity from Roehampton University (London)  revalidated by PUCP, a Bachelor’s Degree in Education – UPCH and the Professional Title of Licenciada – IPNM. Currently she works as IELTS trainer, Cambridge Oral Examiner and Member of the Research Area for Universidad del Pacifico Language Centre. She is also ESP coordinator and Pre-University Centre Director at UNIFÉ.
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